Yes, viewers are willing to watch more ads on Connected TV

We have kind of been harping on the streaming news/OTT topic..but wait there’s more!

According to this article:

According to Deloitte’s 2020 Digital Media Trends survey, price is a key factor in consumer streaming decisions. 65% of consumers want cheaper ad-supported streaming options (up from 62% pre-COVID), and of those who wanted cheaper ad-supported streaming options, over half preferred ad-only streaming. This indicates that consumers are willing to watch more ads per hour if it means paying less, making ad-supported streaming a great option for advertisers looking to reach an engaged audience.

This is not going away folks. And the viewership is growing. 

So isn’t it time to incorporate it into your marketing plan?  Our recommendation is that streaming video is purchased as a compliment to your broadcast tv buy. That way you hit your target market from all angles and can target different ages, those have and have not cut the cord, and different geographical areas if you so choose.

We can help!

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