Intent Targeting makes good use of your ad dollars
What is Intent Targeting?
Use Intent Targeting to serve ads to users who search and consume content relevant to your business.
A couple of weeks ago we discussed geo-fencing; what it is and how it is used in your marketing.
Today it is another tactic in the broad scope of digital marketing: Intent Targeting.
Perfectly stated in this article, “Intent-based targeting is a way of improving your marketing effectiveness by targeting prospects based on their purchase intent.”
So their online behavior suggests that they are reading and searching for more information on your product or service. These are the people that you then push your ads out to. They are researching the best brand of fishing poles, and sure enough they get an ad for yours, which of course is the best and of course your ad tells them to “click here now”!
“Intent-based targeting is a way of improving your marketing effectiveness by targeting prospects based on their purchase intent.” -
Chances are you have been targeted at some point. You start reading about re-roofing your house and up pops an ad or two about local roofers.
It only makes sense. We are glued to our phones – why not reach people where they are?? (and by the way, 80% of all impressions are served to phones/handheld devices).
We can help!!!